Posted on 10/29/2022

If you take care of your brake rotors, they can last much longer than brake pads. But how would you tell when it's time to replace your rotors? When Do You Need a Brake Rotor Replacement? Vibration in The Brake Pedal and Steering Wheel (Brake Pulsation) If your vehicle vibrates whenever you brake, it might be a sign to change your brake rotors. Such a situation occurs because of built-up brake pad deposits. The deposits are usually brake pad material that accumulates on the surface of your brake rotors and develops uneven spots. These brake pad deposits arise because of several factors. These may include a brake system subject to extreme heat, uneven clamping because of seized brake pistons, and incorrectly fitted pads. Loud Grinding Noises When Braking If you hear grinding noises whenever you're applying the brakes, there's a high likelihood that your brakes are corroded. If your car's brake system parts deteriorate, they'll grind against eac ... read more